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Showing posts from November, 2010

Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2010.

I didn't really knew until latter on about the Economic Nobel Prize. Well there was so controversy about the Peace nobel prize that all other went to oblivion. Just a reminder the this year nobel prize in Economic Sciences (a pleasant name) was shared by three persons. Those of my elders are: Peter Diamond, Dale Mortensen and Christopher Pissarides. T hey have to settle on sharing an amount between them which a chinese man in prison got alone. Well side stepping the prize, we can talk in a bit detail about these people,, 1. Peter Diamond            US citizen, born 1940 and got PHD in 1963,, hmmmmm he might have started going to school while still on feeder,,, anywayz perhaps in those times it was that easy. 2. Dale Mortensen:            Born in 1939 this guy was a bit late as compared to the first gentleman as he got his one in 1967 (may be he was a bit dull in studies). 3. Christopher A Pissarides    ...

Contribution of Muslim Scientists

If anyone of u remember those bio etc book of Matric in which we had to memorize all those nonsense contribution of Muslims to Science etc. I am going through those again. It is interesting to see the unspecializaton of all those macho men who it seems were jack of all trade but master of none. A person it is written had command over Medicine surgery, Physics and not to mention math which it seems was the most loving subject in those day ( strange). Many books were written and hundreds of cure were discovered by these ingenious for every single disease like optics etc. Whatever they did a headache for me are those arabic name which are unusually longer and really hard to cram in. Whatever wish me best of luck ;p