Lawari tunnel is a way through rugged offshoot of Hindukush Ranges at the Chitral-Dir border. It is part of the Lawari tunnel project which in total of 133 KM length. It connects the northern district of Chitral with the rest of the country particularly during winters when the highland pass over the mountains is closed down due to heavy snowfall. Before the construction of this tunnel the travelers of Chitral used to go for a 15 hour jounry through the Kunar province of Afghanistan in order to connect with the rest of their beloved country i.e. Pakistan. Some used to take another risky adventure of going on foot over the lawari mountains pass risking lives and thus avoid going through an alien and inhospitable country i.e. Afghanistan. Either way it was a very tough travel with full of dangers and perils. It is interesting that travel through Afghanistan during Taliban reign was safer as compared to other regimes there. Even a full control of Kumar province by ISAF forces couldn't guarantee the safe passage of Chitrali travelers through Afghanistan.
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Inside Tunnel back in the inital days. It is much wider now but very bumpy. |
The construction of Lawari tunnel was started by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto-the populist socialist prime minister of pakistan. He is a venerated figure in Chitral for giving relaxation to Chitrali in paying taxes and providing food rations to the inhabitants of this rugged yet beautiful land which so close yet so far from the mainland Pakistan. The work stopped as soon as ZAB was ousted in 1977 by the Army intervention. Next to come was Mr. Musharraf who despite being a dictator and having seized power in Pakistan by overthrowing a democratically elected government. He came out to be more sensible than the (bloody) civilians as far as sensing the problem of Chitral was concerned. He promptly resumed work on the tunnel and for this he is rightly being loved by the people of Chitral. In the recent election, one National Assembly (NA) and one Provincial Assembly (PA) seats were won by his rather lacklustre party-APML from Chitral. These are the only seats won by the former dictator's party in the length and breadth of Pakistan. This win is also remarkable given the fact the days before the election AMPL announced the boycott of the polls. The dictator is now part of the folklore of the district, admired by every local, they sing while admiring him and his trial by the current government for high treason is heavily opposed by the people of Chitral.
The bottom line is that all this was a gesture of gratitude to Mr. Musharraf for his contribution in the construction of Lawari tunnel- a long standing demand of the People of Chitral. Completion of Lawari Tunnel through Lawari mountains in 2009 was a like a dream come a dream come true for them.
With the increasing in violence in Afghanistan and insurgency in Kunar province-through Chitralis used to pass was no more a safe place to go through. However the restart of work on Lawari tunnel by PM government was seen as blessing by the people of Chitral and they hoped to get rid the tiring journey through lawless Kunar province and being fleeced by the opportunist afghan drivers and hoteliers. The merry-making of Chitralis was worth watching on completion of Lawari tunnel in 2009 where they organized numerous program to celebrate the occasion. I had the opportunity of attending a couple in Islamabad and I remember how there was hope on the poverty stricken faces of the Chitralis most of whom work as seasonal labor in inhuman condition in the construction sector of the federal capital. There were poetry symposium eulogizing Musharraf, SAMBU the engineer and everyone who had been associated with the project. Chitralis danced in musical program arranged for the occasion and unknowing that their generation is not going to see anything and there is literally no light at the end of the tunnel. This hope and happiness however was short-lived. The next winter brought the same trouble to the commuter in the name of widening the tunnel etc. Now even after six year of this "completion" we are yet to see any comfort and continue to be be object of humiliation and despair.
It seems that the work in the tunnel is disturbed when ordinary people and public transport want to go through. Those who are at the helm of affairs and having connection have no problem in crossing in the tunnel and strange enough do not cause any delay in the work. Every year when one pass through this tunnel, s/he is unable to find even the slightest of change. It looks very much the same as it was during the winter of 2010.
Last week the APML MNA of Chitral Mr. Iftikhar ud Din hinted in accession to Afghanistan if Pakistani authorities are not interested in opening the Lawari tunnel and about the well being of the People of Chitral. Such a reaction from the otherwise cool and calm legislator is not without reasons. Repeatedly the Chitrali People protested and raised their voices peacefully and though organized platforms but they were unheard at all the occasions. It reminds me of the Nationalist in the Gilgit Baltistan (GB) who come up with every minor issue and get it resolved immediately by using their separation card. Although Chitral and GB are very same in landscape, culture and traditions, their administrative status makes them feel to lie in different countries. While in GB there is a huge food subsidy becuase of which wheat and floor is available at one-fourth of the price at which it is available in Chitral. Despite being very similar in terms of livelihood sources the people in GB are progressing more as they end up saving a major portion of their income which the Chitralis spend on purchasing wheat and other staple food. Had Chitralis used this threat of separation or secession along with the GB people, life would perhaps have been much easier for them.