I have always been confused by this term. My teacher in International Economics in QAU would used derive it through some formulas which we will instantly memorize for the forthcoming Sessional Exams but really did not get what purchasing power parity means?? There were example in our book about the hair dress in US an in other part of world. The basic concept of PPP is that a currency normal exchange rate may not depict its original purchasing power. For example a hair dress in Pakistan costs say 85 Rs. It means it should be one dollar in USA. But it is not. There say it is in 5 dollars. So what the exchange rate is based on this? It is 16 PKR/USD. Thus in PPP the PKR value is much higher. So a basic concept of PPP is that the goods and services determine real exchange rate. An interesting PPP index is developed by the Economist which is called Big Mac Index, named after a famous product of an international fast food chain. It compares the prices of Big Mac in different countries of the world and tries to find the exchange rate. You see more on Big Mac on the web.
The much awaited Metro Bus Service is now functional in Islamabad connecting it to the twin city of Rawalpindi. The PKR 45 billion cost (USD 4440 million) of the project was criticized mainly by the opposition parties led by Tehreek Insaaf. However the record time for completion of the project is something which justifies the the financial outlay. In Pakistan Public Sector infrastructure projects are plagued by delays and some are altogether abandoned after partial work. The 23 KM long metro has 24 station. Today I had a glimpse of Pakistan Secretariat Station of it. There is quite excitement among the travelers and many are travelling just to have fun. Few pics here. Although secretariat is closed today being Saturday, still large number of public was seen buying tickets and Metro-Bus Card. To avoid queuing up the line to buy ticket, a better option is to get a Metro-Bus Card. The card can be reloaded and costs 130 Rs for the first time and subsequently rec...